Tuesday, July 12, 2011

EBB & Flow System

1. 15 Plants
2. 3 Fish
3. 1 Water pump
4. 2 Air pump
5. 1 Tub
6. 5 PVC Pipes
7. 1 Pipe cap
8. 1 Container to hold the soil and plants.
9. Gravel
10. Strong wooden planks 2x
11. 1 Hole saw
12. 1 Uni seal
13. 1 Saw
14. 1 medium pipe
15. 1 large pipe
16. 3 pipe elbows
First, place the two wooden planks on the tub. Second, put the container on the two planks. The planks will support the containers weight. Third, get the hole saw and drill a hole in the container on the bottom. Forth, put the uni seal in the hole. The seal should fit tightly. Fifth, squeeze the pipe into the uni seal and after the pipe is in the seal, assemble the pipe structure below using the pipe elbows. The pipe should also fit tightly. Sixth, get a larger pipe, put a cap on it, and cut teeth into the side of the pipe with no cap. Seventh, put the larger pipe with teeth on top of the pipe in the uni seal. Eighth, put the large pipe around the pipe with the teeth. Ninth, pour in the gravel until the surface of the gravel is 1 inch  above the small pipe inside the pipe with the teeth. Make sure no gravel gets into the siphon or it may clog up the pipe. Tenth, put the water pump into the tub. Eleventh, fill the tub with water. Last, put the air pump's tube into the tub, turn on the air and water pumps, put the fish in the tub, and put the plants in the container. You are done.

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